Craig Smith Music

Contact Craig Smith Music

Craig can be contacted using the following methods:

Contact via Email

Note: To reduce the endless spam, actual email links have been removed from this website, but the following should make sense. Sorry it's a bit faffy!

For weddings enquiries, please email "weddings" followed by

For all other enquiries, it's "craig" followed by

Please note that during busy periods, or while Craig is touring, it can occasionally take a day or two to respond to emails and messages.

Contact Via Social Media

Facebook: You can of course contact Craig via Facebook messenger to CraigSmithMusic. Again, on occasion a response may take 24-48 hours.

Instagram: Craig is also available to message via his Wedding Instagram profile and his General Instagram profile for other work.

WhatsApp: Please do not try to contact Craig via WhatsApp; it is unlikely your message will be read.

Craig's other social media platforms can be found via the icons at the top of the page.

Contact By Phone

If you need a more urgent response, or if you would like to discuss something in detail, please call Craig on 07793 811318. Please note that this is a business number, not a personal one, and may not be available outside of regular office hours. Please leave a message if necessary and Craig will reply at the earlist opportunity.

Contact By Post

Please see your invoice or get in touch using the methods above for a postal address.